Emergency Alerts - There are currently no alerts for Beachwood NJ.

Emergency: Call 9-1-1
Non-Emergency: Call 732-341-1249

Traffic Safety Unit

The Officers assigned to the unit have received extensive training in selective enforcement, New Jersey Motor Vehicle Law, and advanced accident investigation and reconstruction. These officers received training from I.P.T.M., Kean University, and Northwestern University. The officers are called to the scene of serious crashes by the Patrol Division and supervisors who determine that the crash requires the response.

Traffic Safety Officer
PTL. Michael Batullo
732-286-6000 x106
Traffic Safety Officer:           
Ptl. Michael Tapp


Submit a Speeding Complaint

Please Click Here to advise the Beachwood Police Department of routine or excessive speed violations in your neighborhood.

Traffic Safety Unit

Vehicle Crash Report Instructions
Graduated Drivers License Info
Traffic Safety Crashes Investigations
Traffic Safety
Child Car Seat Information